Sunday 1 June 2014

What's in a name?

I always envisaged my blog would have a significant name to draw people in - relevant, meaningful words, lyrics, a quote, that kind of thing, describing what would of course become a treasure trove of amazing writing. 

Thinking of a name is partly why it's taken me so long to start this whole thing. Just some I considered over the years:

"Living In The Moment"  - a happy, upbeat Jason Mraz song I use on many occasions to lift myself up when I need to. But to anyone who doesn't know the reference, it would imply awesomely exciting things about living life to the fullest, jumping out of planes, that sort of thing. Plus the fact I may write about things from years ago isn't quite living in the moment!

"There's Something About..." - I pondered this for a long time, as a title and the start of every entry. A handy way of allowing me to talk about anything and everything. But there was just something about that title that didn't stick.

"The Rock and the Tide" almost made the final cut - the title of one of my absolute favourite albums, by American musician Joshua Radin - an album that came about in my life at a time where not one but many of the songs and lyrics just seemed to ring very true.  The title also coincidentally and quite aptly describes a country I hold close to my heart, Australia. This pretty much sealed the deal until a few weeks ago, when I went to the cinema...

Based on a true story, the movie "Tracks" follows the journey of a young girl who decides to walk halfway across Australia with only her dog and three camels for company. I found the film really moving, simply done but so effective. This may sound dramatic, but I felt like I could relate to it. Not literally, of course - as much as I love Australia, I have never felt the urge to take on an extraordinary feat with four-legged creatures as companions. The sweeping arid landscapes, sights and sounds of Central and Western Australia (which I've been lucky to experience in more luxurious ways than the film) and the characters brought back so many memories. The journey, the independence and loneliness, the stepping out into the unknown, the achievement. Achievement as I mentioned in my first entry that we don't give ourselves enough credit for - we sweep things under the carpet as small and insignificant when really we should be beaming with pride and telling the world. 

I ambled distractedly home from the cinema that evening in autopilot mode, lots of images and thoughts going through my head. I probably smiled at everyone on the way home. Smiling? In London? She must be mad.

But my mind was ticking away. All I wanted to do that night was somehow magically put down every good experience, adventure and achievement down "on paper". And I wanted it all to have a name. 

"I can't call my blog Tracks, can I? Hmm. I guess it's cooler than Footprints..."

"If anyone's seen the film they'll expect my experiences to be that dramatic."

"What about something implying achievement a smaller scale... Tiny Tracks? No that sounds like a baby's toy, or worse, a baby blog."

"Small Steps. No, no Neil Armstrong quotes. Or giant leaps."

"Wait, actually, tracks is good. I like how it subtly relates to music, and there will definitely be a lot of music stuff on my blog. Ok.. keep thinking..."

"Big universe, small achievements, little things... "

"Little Tracks? Little Tracks... That's it! Little Tracks."

So, here we have it. My blog is finally born, with a name, a significant name at that, relating to exactly what I want it to be.

Little Tracks. Travel. Music. And everything in between.

1 comment:

  1. Good on you Nidhi. I'll look forward to reading more. :)
